Justification of Red List category
This species is listed as Near Threatened because it is suspected to be experiencing a moderately rapid population decline, largely owing to widespread deforestation.
Population justification
The population is suspected to number 50,000-499,999 mature individuals (Partners in Flight 2022). The species is described as locally common, e.g. in the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica, Cerro el Arenal and Cerro Kilambe reserves in Nicaragua, Sierra de Agalta National Park in Honduras and Sierra Yaliux and Sierra de las Minas in Guatemala (M. Bonta in litt. 1999, C. J. Sharpe in litt. 1999, F. G. Stiles in litt. 1999, Renner 2005); otherwise it is uncommon.
Trend justification
The population is suspected to be in decline owing to widespread deforestation. Over three generations (16.5 years), 11% of tree cover has been lost across the range (Global Forest Watch 2022, using Hansen et al. [2013] data and methods disclosed therein). The species is dependent on fairly undisturbed and old cloud forest and does not tolerate large-scale forest loss; moreover, it may locally be subject to hunting and trapping (Dayer 2020). Consequently, population declines may be steeper than the rate of tree cover loss suggests; they are here tentatively placed in the band 20-29% over three generations.
The rate of deforestation varies within the range, being more severe in the northern part of the range (Global Forest Watch 2022). The rate of population decline may therefore likewise vary locally, and it is thought that some populations may be declining while others are increasing or at least stable (S. Renner in litt. 2016).
This species occurs throughout the montane cloud-forests of southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and western Panama east to Cerro San Antonio in Veraguas.
This species is usually found in the canopy and subcanopy of undisturbed, humid, epiphyte-laden evergreen montane forest, cloud-forest, thickly vegetated ravines and cliffs (del Hoyo et al. 2001). It shows a strong preference for mature forest, but may sometimes forage in park-like clearings and open pastures with scattered trees adjacent to forest (del Hoyo et al. 2001, S. Renner in litt. 2016). It is mostly frugivorous and depends mostly on c.18 species of the laurel family (Lauraceae), as the phenologies and habitat distributions of the Lauraceae appear to dictate the timing and direction of seasonal altitudinal movements (Wheelwright 1983, Loiselle et al. 1989). The species also feeds on insects, small frogs, lizards and snails (del Hoyo et al. 2001), mainly during the breeding period (S. Renner in litt. 2016).
Breeding takes place in March-August. The nest, in which it lays 1-2 eggs, is a deep, unlined cavity in a decaying trunk or stump; however only decaying trunks or stumps that are still standing upright are suitable, these tend to only be found in undisturbed forests with very old trees (S. Renner in litt. 2016). The incubation period lasts for 17-19 days, followed by a fledging period of 23-31 days (del Hoyo et al. 2001). The species may undertake seasonal movements, wintering in distinct regions (S. Renner in litt. 2016).
It is threatened largely by widespread deforestation and forest fragmentation throughout its range, as forests are logged and converted for agricultural purposes and livestock pastures. Some direct persecution probably still occurs, particularly in south Mexico, but this appears to have reduced (Stiles and Skutch 1989, Howell and Webb 1995). In Monteverde, climate change has allowed Keel-billed Toucans (Ramphastos sulfuratus) to expand their range into the highlands, bringing them into contact with P. mocinno where they compete for nest holes and prey on P. mocinno nests (Pounds et al. 1999 in Şekercioğlu et al. 2012).
Conservation Actions Underway
CITES Appendix I. It occurs in several national parks throughout its range. The species is an important symbol for conservation in Central America and reserves have been established to facilitate its protection, but these tend to be small and include limited representations of critical habitat (Wheelwright 1983). In some areas in Guatemala, the species has been subject to education and awareness programmes (S. Renner in litt. 2016). Captive breeding attempts were trialled in the 1990s but without success (S. Renner in litt. 2016). The species is included on the 'Watch List' of the State of North America's Birds as a species of high conservation concern (NABCI 2016).
Text account compilers
Hermes, C.
Ashpole, J, Benstead, P., Biamonte, E., Bonta, M., Capper, D., Criado, J., Renner, S., Sandoval, L., Sharpe, C J, Stiles, F.G., Sánchez, C., Sánchez, J., Taylor, J. & Zook, J.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Species factsheet: Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/resplendent-quetzal-pharomachrus-mocinno on 23/01/2025.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2025) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from
https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/search on 23/01/2025.