Family: Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes)
Authority: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Red List Category:
Justification of Red List categoryThis species has a very large geographic range size (extent of occurrence >20 million km
2 in both the breeding and non-breeding seasons), and so does not approach Criterion B thresholds. It also has a very large estimated population size (9,000,000-12,000,000 mature individuals), and so does not approach Criteria C or D thresholds. Considering its population trend over three generations (
c. 10 years), there are no representative data for either of the two flyway populations, which breed in Canada/Greenland and Alaska/Siberia, respectively (Wetlands International 2023). This species is poorly covered by population monitoring schemes, reflecting the challenges of surveying it, both on its Arctic breeding grounds and on its entirely pelagic non-breeding grounds and passage routes. While noting that there are data from repeated Arctic surveys that show negative changes at a number of sites, Partners in Flight (2023) concludes that the overall trend is uncertain. Consequently, the species' trend is currently best described as unknown. In the absence of evidence that it is declining at a rate approaching Criterion A thresholds, the species continues to warrant listing as Least Concern.
Population size:
9000000-12000000 mature individuals
Population trend:
Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident):
20,800,000 km
Country endemic:
Realm - Afrotropical
Realm - Indomalayan
Realm - Nearctic
Realm - Neotropical
Realm - Palearctic
IUCN System - Freshwater
IUCN System - Marine