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Country/Territory = USA
Marine sites only;
Ordered by Country, Site Name

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Number of sites 241
Country/Territory Site name IBA Criteria Final Code
USA Accabonac Harbor A4i
USA Active Delta (Mississippi River Birdsfoot Delta) A4i
USA Agattu Island Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Akun Strait Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Altamaha River Delta A1, A4i
USA Amagat & Umga Island Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Amak Island Colony A4i
USA Amalik Bay Colonies A4i
USA Amchitka Island Colony A4i
USA Amchitka Pass 180W51N A4ii
USA Attu Island Colony A4i
USA Baby Islands & Akutan Pass Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Barren Islands Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Barren Islands Marine A4ii
USA Barrier Island/Lagoon System A1, A4i, A4ii
USA Barrow Canyon & Smith Bay A4i, A4ii
USA Battery Island A4i
USA Beaufort Sea Nearshore A4i
USA Beaufort Sea Shelf Edge 152W71N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf 163W56N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf 165W56N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf 166W56N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf 166W57N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf 168W62N A4ii
USA Bering Sea Shelf 169W60N A4ii
USA Bering Sea Shelf 170W58N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf Edge 166W55N A4i, A4ii
USA Bering Sea Shelf Edge 168W56N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf Edge 169W55N A4i
USA Bering Sea Shelf Edge 173W58N A4ii
USA Bering Sea Shelf Edge 174W59N A4i, A4ii
USA Bering Sea Shelf Edge 178W61N A4i, A4ii
USA Bering Strait A4ii
USA Big Marco Pass Shoal A1, A4i
USA Bird Island Colony A4i
USA Bird Key Stono A4i
USA Bird Rocks NWR A4i
USA Blacksand Spit Colony A4i
USA Blanco Reef A4i
USA Bolsa Chica A4i
USA Buldir & Near Islands Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Buldir Island Colony A4i, A4ii
USA Camp Pendleton A1, A4i
USA Cape Blanco Nearshore Ocean A1
USA Cape Canaveral-Merritt Island A1, A4i
USA Cape Hatteras National Seashore A4i
USA Cape Meares Marbled Murrelet A1
USA Cape Peirce & Cape Newenham Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge A4i
USA Cape Senyavin A4i
USA Cape Tanak Marine A4i
USA Castle Rock A4i
USA Castle Rock Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Center Islands A4i
USA Central CA MAMU A1
USA Central Yukon - Kuskokwim A1, A4i, A4iii
USA Chagulak Island Colony A4ii
USA Chagulak Island Marine A4ii
USA Chamisso Island Colonies A4ii
USA Chandeleur Islands (Breton National Wildlife Refuge) A4i
USA Channel Islands - Northern A1, A4i, A4ii
USA Chenier Plain A1, A4i
USA Cherni Island Complex Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Chiniak Bay A1, A4i
USA Chirikof Island Marine A4ii
USA Chukchi Sea Nearshore A4i
USA Cinder River Marine A4i
USA Cinder River-Hook Lagoon A1, A4i
USA Clam Gulch A4i
USA Colville River Delta Marine A4i
USA Copper River Delta A4i
USA Crab Bank A4i
USA Crooked Island Colony A4i
USA Cumberland Island National Seashore A1, A4i
USA Deception Pass A4i
USA Deveaux Bank A1, A4i
USA Diomede Islands Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Dixon Entrance 132W54N A4ii
USA East Copper River Delta Colonies A4i
USA East Norton Sound A4i
USA East Sand Island A4i, A4ii
USA Eastern Kodiak Island Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Egg Island Colonies A4i
USA Entrance Point Colony A4i
USA False Klamath A4iii
USA Farallon Islands A1, A4i, A4ii
USA Farallon Islands Pelagic A4i
USA Fenimore Pass & Atka Island Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Flat Island Colony A4ii
USA Forrester Island Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Gareloi Island Colony A4ii
USA Gareloi Island Marine A4ii
USA Glacier Bay & Icy Strait A4i, A4ii
USA Glacier Bay Outer Coast Marine A4ii
USA Goat Island NWR A4ii
USA Goodnews Bay Colony A4i
USA Great Gull Island A4i, A4iii
USA Gulf Islands GEOPark A1, A4i
USA Gulf of Alaska Shelf 151W58N A4i
USA Gulf of Alaska Shelf 155W57N A4ii
USA Gulf of Alaska Shelf Edge 143W60N A4i
USA Gulf of Alaska Shelf Edge 148W59N A4ii
USA Gulf of Alaska Shelf Edge 163W54N A4i
USA Haleakala A1, A2, A4i, A4ii HI12
USA Half Moon Bay, CA MAMU A1
USA Heceta Bank A4i
USA Heceta Valley, Cape Blanco A4ii
USA Hegemeister Island Colonies A4i
USA Huguenot Park-Nassau Sound A1, A4i
USA Icy Bay A1
USA Icy Cape Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Ilnik Marine A4i
USA Isles Dernieres - Timbalier Islands A1, A4i
USA Isles of Shoals A4i
USA Izembek Refuge Marine A4i
USA Izembek-Moffet-Kinzarof Lagoons A1, A4i
USA Kachemak Bay A4i, A4ii
USA Kagamil Island Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Kamishak Bay A4i
USA Kauai Forests and Uplands A1, A2, A4i, A4ii HI03
USA Kenai Fjords A4i
USA Kigul Islets Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge A1, A2, A4i, A4ii, A4iii HI05
USA King Island Colony A4ii
USA Kiska Island Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Kiska Island Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Klamath, CA MAMU A1
USA Koniuji-Atka Island Colony A4ii
USA Koniuji-Shumagin Islands Colonies A4ii
USA Kotzebue Sound 163W66N A4i
USA Kuskokwim Bay, marine A4i
USA Kuskokwim River Delta A1, A4i
USA Kvichak Bay A1, A4i
USA La Perouse Bank A1
USA Lana`ihale A1, A4ii HI10
USA Lea-Hutaff Island A1, A4i
USA Ledyard Bay A4i
USA Lehua Islet A1, A4ii, A4iii HI02
USA Lisburne Peninsula Marine A4i
USA Lower Cook Inlet 153W59N A4i
USA Lower Tampa Bay A4i
USA Mack Reef A4ii
USA Marbled Murrelet IBA A1, A4i
USA Marmot Bay A4i
USA Marmot Bay Colonies A4ii
USA Mendocino Coast Pelagic, CA A1
USA Middleton Island Colony A4i
USA Molokai Forests A1, A2 HI09
USA Morzhovoi Bay A4i, A4ii
USA Near Island Colony A4ii
USA Nelson Lagoon Colonies A4i
USA Nelson Lagoon-Mud Bay A1, A4i
USA Noatak River Delta Colony A4i
USA North Deer Island A4i
USA North Olympic Marbled Murrelet A1
USA North San Diego Lagoons A1, A4i
USA Northern Montague Island A4i
USA Northwest Cape Colony A4ii
USA Northwestern Hawaiian Islands A1, A2, A4i, A4ii, A4iii HI01
USA Nushagak Bay A1, A4i
USA Nushagak Bay, marine A1, A4i
USA Off Jasper Seamount, CA A1
USA Ogangen Island Colonies A4ii
USA Olympic Coast Marbled Murrelet A1
USA Olympic Continental Shelf A1, A4ii
USA Orange Coast Wetlands A4i
USA Orford Reef A4iii
USA Outer Islands Marine A4ii
USA Palos Verdes A1
USA Pelican Bay, CA MAMU A1
USA Piedras Blancas, CA A1
USA Pier 400 Tern Colony (formerly Terminal Island) A1, A4i
USA Pinnacle Island Colony A4i
USA Point Conception 120W34N A1, A4ii
USA Point Conception 121W34N A1
USA Point Lay Marine A4i
USA Point Mugu A1
USA Point No Point A1
USA Point Sal 121W35N A1
USA Port Angeles Marbled Murrelet A1
USA Port Heiden A1, A4i
USA Port Moller-Herendeen Bay A1, A4i
USA Port Snettisham A1
USA Prince William Sound A4i, A4ii
USA Protection Island A4i
USA Redfish Rocks A4iii
USA Riou Spit Colony A4i
USA Round Island Colony A4i
USA Safety Sound A4i
USA Samish/Padilla Bays A1
USA San Clemente Island A1
USA San Diego Bay - South A1, A4i
USA San Mateo Coast, CA A1
USA San Mateo, CA A1
USA San Mateo/Monterey, CA A1
USA San Miguel Island, CA A4iii
USA Sand and Gunpowder Islands A4i
USA Santa Barbara Basin, CA A4i
USA Santa Barbara Island, CA A4i
USA Santa Clara River Valley A1
USA Santa Cruz Basin 120W34N A1
USA Savoonga Colonies A4ii
USA Seal Cape Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Seguam Island Marine A4ii
USA Segula & Davidof Islands Colonies A4ii
USA Semichi Islands Colonies A4i
USA Semidi Islands Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Semidi Islands Marine A4ii
USA Semisopochnoi Island Colonies A4i
USA Shumagin Islands Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Southwest Cape Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Southwestern Kenai Peninsula Marine A4ii
USA Spitz Island Colony A4i
USA St George Island Colony A4i, A4ii
USA St George Island Marine A4i, A4ii
USA St Lawrence Island Polynya A4i
USA St Lazaria Island Colony A4i, A4ii
USA St Matthew & Hall Islands Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA St Matthew Island Marine A4i
USA St Paul Island Colony A4i, A4ii
USA Stephens Passage & Tracy-Endicott Arms A4ii
USA Sundown Island A4i
USA Susitna Flats A4i
USA Teshekpuk Lake-E. Dease Inlet A4i
USA Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge A4ii
USA Tiedeman Slough Colony A4i
USA Tomkins Island A4i
USA Trinidad Complex A4iii
USA Turtle Island A4i
USA Tuxedni Bay A4i
USA Tuxedni Island Colony A4i
USA Two Arches Rock NWR A4iii
USA Ugaiushak Island Colonies A4i, A4ii
USA Ugamak Strait Colonies A4ii
USA Uganik Bay & Viekoda Bay A1
USA Umnak Pass Colonies A4ii
USA Unimak & Akutan Passes A4i, A4ii
USA Western St Lawrence Island Marine A4i, A4ii
USA Whalehead Island NWR A4ii
USA Yakutat Bay A4ii
USA Yukon River Delta A4iii