Reserva Hidrográfica, Forestal y Parque Ecológico de Río Blanco

IBA Justification

The site was identified as internationally important for bird conservation in 2008 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('key species') at the site:
Species Red List Season (year/s of estimate) Size IBA criteria
Chestnut Wood-quail Odontophorus hyperythrus LC resident (2007–2008) 50-249 individuals A1, A2, A3
Tourmaline Sunangel Heliangelus exortis LC resident (2003) present A3
Rainbow-bearded Thornbill Chalcostigma herrani LC resident (2003) present A3
Buffy Helmetcrest Oxypogon stuebelii VU resident (-) present A2, A3
Viridian Metaltail Metallura williami LC resident (2003) present A3
Glowing Puffleg Eriocnemis vestita LC resident (2003) present A3
Golden-breasted Puffleg Eriocnemis mosquera LC resident (2003) present A3
Buff-winged Starfrontlet Coeligena lutetiae LC resident (2003) present A3
Buff-tailed Coronet Boissonneaua flavescens LC resident (2003) present A3
Noble Snipe Gallinago nobilis NT resident (2003) present A3
Crimson-rumped Toucanet Aulacorhynchus haematopygus LC resident (2003) present A3
Black-billed Mountain-toucan Andigena nigrirostris LC resident (2003) present A3
Rusty-faced Parrot Hapalopsittaca amazonina NT resident (2007–2008) < 50 individuals A1, A2, A3
Bronze-winged Parrot Pionus chalcopterus LC resident (2003) present A3
Golden-plumed Parakeet Leptosittaca branickii LC resident (2007–2008) 50-249 individuals A1
Chestnut-naped Antpitta Grallaria nuchalis LC resident (2003) present A3
Brown-banded Antpitta Grallaria milleri VU resident (2007–2008) 50-249 individuals A1, A2, A3
Brown-rumped Tapaculo Scytalopus latebricola NT resident (2003) present A3
Pale-bellied Tapaculo Scytalopus griseicollis LC resident (-) present A3
Paramo Tapaculo Scytalopus opacus LC resident (2003) present A3
Stout-billed Cinclodes Cinclodes excelsior LC resident (-) present A2, A3
Flammulated Treehunter Thripadectes flammulatus LC resident (2003) present A3
Dusky Piha Lipaugus fuscocinereus LC resident (2003) present A3
Rufous-breasted Flycatcher Leptopogon rufipectus LC resident (2003) present A3
Yellow-bellied Chat-tyrant Silvicultrix diadema LC resident (-) present A3
Black-billed Peppershrike Cyclarhis nigrirostris LC resident (2003) present A3
Rufous-naped Greenlet Pachysylvia semibrunnea LC resident (2003) present A3
Quindio Jay Cyanolyca quindiuna LC resident (2003) present A3
Rufous Wren Cinnycerthia unirufa LC resident (2003) present A3
Andean Siskin Spinus spinescens LC resident (2003) present A3
Pale-naped Brushfinch Atlapetes pallidinucha LC resident (2003) present A3
Golden-fronted Whitestart Myioborus chrysops LC resident (2003) present A3
Black-chested Mountain-tanager Cnemathraupis eximia LC resident (2003) present A3
Black-capped Tanager Tangara heinei LC resident (-) present A3
Scrub Tanager Tangara vitriolina LC resident (2003) present A3
Black-winged Saltator Saltator atripennis LC resident (2003) present A3
Black-headed Hemispingus Pseudospingus verticalis LC resident (2003) present A3
Black-backed Bush Tanager Urothraupis stolzmanni LC resident (-) present A2, A3
Glossy Flowerpiercer Diglossa lafresnayii LC resident (2003) present A3
Black Flowerpiercer Diglossa humeralis LC resident (2003) present A3

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation (management category) % coverage of IBA
1990 Rio Blanco y Quebrada Olivares Reservas Forestales Protectoras Nacionales (VI) 92
1992 Reserva de Río Blanco Protection Forest Reserve (-) 100


Habitat % of IBA Habitat detail
Forest 55 Second-growth or disturbed forest
Artificial/Terrestrial 45 Forestry and agro-industrial plantations; Improved pasture land

Land use

Land use % of IBA
nature conservation and research 100
water management 100
fisheries/aquaculture 25
tourism/recreation 10
agriculture 5

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Reserva Hidrográfica, Forestal y Parque Ecológico de Río Blanco (Colombia). Downloaded fromáfica-forestal-y-parque-ecológico-de-río-blanco-iba-colombia on 25/01/2025.