Reserva de Uso Múltiple Bañados del Río Dulce y Laguna Mar Chiquita This is an IBA in Danger! 

IBA Justification

The site was identified as internationally important for bird conservation in 2008 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('key species') at the site:
Species Red List Season (year/s of estimate) Size IBA criteria
Greater Rhea Rhea americana NT resident (2001–2003) 50-249 individuals A1
Coscoroba Swan Coscoroba coscoroba LC resident (2001–2003) 1,000–3,000 individuals A4i
Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis NT resident (2001–2003) 66,000–100,000 individuals A1, A4i
Andean Flamingo Phoenicoparrus andinus VU resident (2001–2003) 1,000–6,400 individuals A1, A4i
Puna Flamingo Phoenicoparrus jamesi NT non-breeding (2001–2003) 1,000–4,000 individuals A1, A4i
Sickle-winged Nightjar Eleothreptus anomalus VU resident (2001–2003) < 50 individuals A1
Dot-winged Crake Laterallus spilopterus VU resident (2001–2003) < 50 individuals A1
White-winged Coot Fulica leucoptera LC resident (2001–2003) 8,000–10,000 A4i
Red-gartered Coot Fulica armillata LC resident (2001–2003) 3,000–15,000 A4i
White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi LC resident (2001–2003) 25,000–400,000 individuals A4i
Great White Egret Ardea alba LC resident (2001–2003) 10,000–11,500 individuals A4i
Snowy Egret Egretta thula LC resident (2001–2003) 7,800–400,000 individuals A4i
Neotropical Cormorant Nannopterum brasilianum LC breeding (2001–2003) 25,000–42,000 individuals A4i
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus LC resident (2001–2003) 1,000–11,000 individuals A4i
American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica LC non-breeding (2001–2003) 1,300–15,000 A4i
White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis VU passage (2001–2003) 800–15,000 individuals A4i
Wilson's Phalarope Steganopus tricolor LC non-breeding (2001–2003) 250,000–500,000 A4i
Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes VU non-breeding (2001–2003) 5,000–15,000 A4i
Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca NT non-breeding (2001–2003) 700–1,100 A4i
Brown-hooded Gull Larus maculipennis LC resident (2001–2003) 13,000–300,000 A4i
Olrog's Gull Larus atlanticus NT resident (2001–2003) 50-249 individuals A1, A4i
Crowned Solitary Eagle Buteogallus coronatus EN resident (2001–2003) < 50 breeding pairs A1
Cordoba Cinclodes Cinclodes comechingonus LC resident (2001–2003) 50-249 individuals A2
Bay-capped Wren-spinetail Spartonoica maluroides LC resident (2001–2003) < 50 breeding pairs A1
Bearded Tachuri Polystictus pectoralis NT resident (2001–2003) < 50 breeding pairs A1
Dinelli's Doradito Pseudocolopteryx dinelliana NT resident (2001–2003) < 50 breeding pairs A1
Dark-throated Seedeater Sporophila ruficollis NT winter (2001–2003) 50-249 individuals A1
A4iii Species group - waterbirds n/a resident (2001–2003) 500,000-999,999 individuals A4iii

IBA Conservation

Ideally the conservation status of the IBA will have been checked regularly since the site was first identified in 2008. The most recent assessment (2019) is shown below.

IBA conservation status
Year of assessment State Pressure Response
2019 not assessed very high very low
Whole site assessed? State assessed by Accuracy of information
yes unset good

Pressure (threats to the key species and/or their habitats)
Threat Timing Scope Severity Result
Natural system modifications likely in short term (within 4 years) whole popul­ation/area (>90%) rapid deteri­oration (>30% over 3 gener­ations) very high
Biological resource use happen­ing now most of popul­ation/area (50–90%) slow deteri­oration (1–10% over 3 gener­ations) high
Agricultural expansion and intensification happen­ing now some of popul­ation/area (10–49%) rapid deteri­oration (>30% over 3 gener­ations) high
Human intrusions and disturbance happen­ing now some of popul­ation/area (10–49%) moderate deteri­oration (10–30% in 3 gener­ations) high
Residential and commercial development likely in short term (within 4 years) some of popul­ation/area (10–49%) slow deteri­oration (1–10% over 3 gener­ations) medium
Pollution happen­ing now few individ­uals/small area (<10%) moderate deteri­oration (10–30% in 3 gener­ations) low

Response (conservation actions taken for the key species and/or their habitats)
Designation Planning Action Result
Some of site covered (10–49%) No manage­ment planning has taken place Very little or no conservation action taking place very low

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation (management category) % coverage of IBA
1983 Bañados del Río Dulce y Laguna Mar Chiquita Provincial Multiple Use Reserve (-) 100
1994 Bañados del Río Dulce y Laguna de Mar Chiquita Reserva Provincial de Uso Múltiple (VI) 67


Habitat % of IBA Habitat detail
Grassland major (>10)
Wetlands (inland) major (>10)

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Reserva de Uso Múltiple Bañados del Río Dulce y Laguna Mar Chiquita (Argentina). Downloaded fromúltiple-bañados-del-río-dulce-y-laguna-mar-chiquita-iba-argentina on 20/01/2025.