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Site description (2000 baseline):
Site location and context
The highest peak of the Karabakh uplands (Little Caucasus). Precipices, ravines, cliffs, rocks and steep slopes, and some forest near the foot of the mountain. The main land-use is (summer) sheep- grazing.
Probably the most important area in Azerbaijan and the Transcaucasus for
Tetraogallus caspius, a species restricted to the Eurasian high-montane biome. Other breeding birds include
Gypaetus barbatus,
Neophron percnopterus,
Gyps fulvus,
Circaetus gallicus (possibly breeds),
Aquila chrysaetos,
Falco peregrinus,
Bubo bubo,
Alectoris chukar and
Melanocorypha bimaculata. Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria:
Aegypius monachus (status uncertain).
Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
Among threats are intensive grazing and poaching, and the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia may also have had a deleterious impact (`Other' threat). A nature reserve (Zapovednik)
was planned.
National None
International None
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Important Bird Area factsheet: Mount Dalidag (Azerbaijan). Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.