Lac Léman (partie française)

Site description (2000 baseline):

Site location and context
French part of Lake Geneva with reedbeds (Phragmites), marshes and aquatic vegetation (Swiss part of the lake contains IBAs 007, 008, 009).

Key biodiversity
The area is of international importance for wintering and passage waterbirds. The site holds 20,000 or more waterbirds in winter, on a regular basis. Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Aythya nyroca (wintering). All bird data are for the French part of the lake only.

Pressure/threats to key biodiversity
The lake is threatened by pollution from urban areas that is causing eutrophication. Fishing causes disturbance to wintering birds.

Protected areas
National Low International Partial52 ha of IBA covered by Nature Reserve (Delta de la Dranse, 52 ha). 1,440 ha of IBA covered by 2 Hunting Reserves (Baie de Sciez; Hermance; total area 1,440 ha). 45 ha of IBA covered by Special Protection Area (Lac Léman: Delta de la Dranse, 45 ha). 3,335 ha of IBA covered by Ramsar Site (Rives du Lac Léman, 3,335 ha).

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Lac Léman (partie française) (France). Downloaded froméman-(partie-française)-iba-france on 13/01/2025.