Country/territory: Azerbaijan
Subnational region(s): Kusari
IBA Justification: B2 (2000)
Area: 15,000 hectares (150.00 km2)
Site description (2000 baseline)
Forests in the Samur valley, including bushes and scrub, on low hills and extending up to 1,000-1,500 m into the mountains. The main land-uses are grazing, arable farming and forestry.
Key biodiversity
The site supports at least 16 raptor species, most of which are breeders. Neophron percnopterus only possibly breeds, while Pandion haliaetus is a rare visitor throughout the year. Species of global conservation concern that do not meet IBA criteria: Aegypius monachus (status uncertain; common visitor throughout the year), Aquila heliaca (breeds), Crex crex (occurs on passage).
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Kusari (Gusari) area (Azerbaijan). Downloaded from on 25/01/2025.