Forêts du Nord et de la Montagne Pelée

IBA Justification

The site was identified as internationally important for bird conservation in 2007 because it was regularly supporting significant populations of the species listed below, meeting IBA criteria.

Populations meeting IBA criteria ('key species') at the site:
Species Red List Season (year/s of estimate) Size IBA criteria
Bridled Quail-Dove Geotrygon mystacea LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Lesser Antillean Swift Chaetura martinica LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Purple-throated Carib Eulampis jugularis LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Green-throated Carib Eulampis holosericeus LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Blue-headed Hummingbird Riccordia bicolor NT resident (2007) unknown A2
Antillean Crested Hummingbird Orthorhyncus cristatus LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Caribbean Elaenia Elaenia martinica LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Lesser Antillean Pewee Contopus latirostris LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Lesser Antillean Flycatcher Myiarchus oberi LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Scaly-breasted Thrasher Allenia fusca LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Pearly-eyed Thrasher Margarops fuscatus LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Brown Trembler Cinclocerthia ruficauda LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Grey Trembler Cinclocerthia gutturalis LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Rufous-throated Solitaire Myadestes genibarbis LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Lesser Antillean Euphonia Euphonia flavifrons LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Martinique Oriole Icterus bonana VU resident (2007) unknown A1, A2
Lesser Antillean Saltator Saltator albicollis LC resident (2007) unknown A2
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch Loxigilla noctis LC resident (2007) unknown A2

IBA Protection

Year Protected Area Designation (management category) % coverage of IBA
1976 Martinique Parc naturel régional (V) 100
1984 Versant Nord-Ouest de la Montagne Pelee Specially Protected Area (Cartagena Convention) (IV) 9
1984 VERSANT NORD-OUEST DE LA MONTAGNE PELEE Terrain acquis par le Conservatoire du Littoral (IV) 8
1984 Montagne Pelée Littoral Conservation Area (IV) -
1984 Fond Moulin Littoral Conservation Area (IV) -
2007 Montagne Pelée Réserve biologique (Ia) 25
2010 Tunnels de Beauséjour Arrêté de protection de biotope (IV) -
2014 Prêcheur Grand'Rivière Réserve biologique (Ia) 8
2014 Marine du Prêcheur - Albert Falco Regional Nature Reserve (IV) 3
2017 Martinique Marine Nature Park (V) 100


Habitat % of IBA Habitat detail
Forest -
Grassland -

Land use

Land use % of IBA
agriculture -
water management -
forestry -
nature conservation and research -

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Forêts du Nord et de la Montagne Pelée (Martinique (to France)). Downloaded fromêts-du-nord-et-de-la-montagne-pelée-iba-martinique-(to-france) on 16/01/2025.