Site description (2004 baseline):
AVIFAUNA: The chaurs are known to be extremely important for waterfowl, particularly wintering ducks, but no census data is available. Altogether, the numerous chaurs support, and are critical to the survival of hundreds of thousands of ducks and other waterfowl in the winter, thus satisfying A4iii criteria. Sometimes the waterfowl number is so huge, that many species would easily fit A4i criteria also. There is an urgent need to gather species specific and site (chaur) specific data from this IBA site. As 4,000,000 ha area, with extremely high density of human population would not be easy to declare as an IBA, it is therefore, necessary to identify important chaurs or cluster of chaurs for intensive protection with the cooperation of villagers. The chaurs are similar to the hoars of Bangladesh (BirdLife International 2001) which also act as an important wintering ground for huge numbers of ducks, egrets, herons, waders and raptors.
OTHER KEY FAUNA: Not much information is available on other key fauna.
Hunting pressure takes a heavy toll on the waterfowl populations. Trapping of birds is undertaken by the local fishermen on a massive scale to supplement their income (Shahi 1982). Ducks, coot and other waterfowl are trapped at night with fine nylon nets. Most of the smaller chaurs have very little value for agriculture or pisciculture. These chaurs and the biodiversity they support remain largely unstudied (Rai and Munshi 1982). It is essential to document, monitor and conserve these chaurs, and to protect the waterfowl and biodiversity they support.
Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2025) Important Bird Area factsheet: Chaurs of North Bihar (India). Downloaded from on 15/01/2025.