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Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas
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Isle of Man Sea Cliffs
Isle of Man Hills
The importance of birds to biodiversity
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Megapode eggs are an important source of food to many Indo-Pacific communities
Nearly half of all bird species are used directly by people
Congregation at particular sites is a common behaviour in many bird species
A network of critical sites for migratory waterbirds is being identified across Africa and Eurasia
Many bird species are confined to just one of the world's terrestrial biomes
Human impacts on the planet are growing—to the extent that we are compromising our own future
Many bird species have very small ranges and occur together in Endemic Bird Areas
IBAs are vital for many other kinds of biodiversity
Restricted-range bird species occur in just 5% of the Earth's land surface
Birds have huge popular appeal, and the amount of information about them is impressive
Birds are very useful indicators for other kinds of biodiversity
Some IBAs hold the last populations of highly threatened bird species and are an urgent priority
Numbers and types of Important Bird Areas vary between regions
The Bar-tailed Godwit undertakes one of the avian world's most extraordinary migratory journeys
IBAs for the marine environment are being identified in many regions
Important Bird Areas for globally threatened species: Blue Swallow
Forest IBAs are effective at capturing a large proportion of other forest biodiversity in Uganda
Important Bird Areas hold internationally important numbers of other animals or plants in Turkey
Feathers have always been used by humans as decoration and status symbols
Research identifies 20 priority sites in need of protection for Nearctic migratory birds
What we know about the changing state of birds
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In Australia, the extinction of birds since 1750 can be linked to human impacts
The status of the world's birds has deteriorated in recent decades
Over half of forest within Key Biodiversity Areas identified for forest species no longer has high integrity
Many threatened birds are restricted to small islands
In the Neotropics, many species have been driven extinct across large parts of their range
Many African IBAs are in danger of losing their natural habitats and key biodiversity
Birds in Europe 4: fourth assessment of species’ population status underlines urgent need for restoration
More than one in eight of all bird species is threatened with global extinction
Nearly half of Europe's birds have an unfavourable conservation status
A Spanish stronghold of Europe’s most endangered seabird is threatened by a hotel development
Many albatross species are in alarming slow decline
Growing threats to Northern Bald Ibis in the Middle East
A high proportion of IBAs have no legal recognition or protection
West African raptors are faring poorly outside of protected areas
Belum-Temenggor, Malaysia
Politics, fire and threatened birds in the Murray-Sunset, Hattah and Annuello IBA
Many IBAs are in danger of losing their natural habitats and key biodiversity
The wildlife of the Tasman Sea is facing a range of threats
Upper Bay of Panamá IBA—saved for now, but big challenges remain
Titicaca Grebe is being driven rapidly towards extinction owing to the unregulated use of gill nets
Natura 2000 at sea: good progress but more to do
The status of Africa’s birds is deteriorating
Australia's birds suffered from intense bushfires during 2019-2020
Many African IBAs, including those holding threatened birds, have no legal recognition or protection
Breeding bird abundance in the EU has declined by 17-19% since 1980: a loss of >550 million birds
The IBA Protection Index tracks trends in the protection of key areas for biodiversity
Why birds are declining
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Mapping of global threats using the IUCN Red List reveals hunting and trapping is the most prevalent threat to birds
Seabirds and trawl fisheries – the offal reality
Human disturbance at seabird colonies has a range of impacts
Abolition of set-aside in Europe threatens farmland birds
Climate change is already documented as having impacted many bird species
Temperature changes explain the loss of species populations in Mexico
There is strong evidence that climate change is impacting a wide range of organisms
Light pollution has a negative impact on many seabirds including several globally threatened species
Afforestation can be bad for biodiversity
Many forest birds cannot survive in oil palm and rubber plantations
Tracking the impacts of climate change on European birds
Arctic-breeding shorebirds are suffering mismatches between the timing of breeding and food supply
Climate change is projected to cause range shifts in African-Eurasian migratory waterbirds, posing a challenge for wetland conservation
Climate change is impacting the distribution, abundance and migration of Australian birds
More research is needed into the impact of wave and tidal energy devices on seabirds
Sugarcane plantations in the Tana River Delta threaten Kenyan birds, biodiversity and livelihoods
Offshore wind farms are impacting seabirds and migrating passerines
Climate change is driving poleward shifts in the distributions of species
Agricultural intensification has caused the decline of many common bird species in Europe
Intensively farmed coffee supports many fewer bird species than traditional shade plantations
Sea level rise poses a major threat to coastal ecosystems and the biota they support
Half of North American species are threatened by climate-induced range loss
Assessing the scope and scale of illegal killing and taking of birds in the Mediterranean
The forests of Asia, in particular, have suffered from unsustainable forestry practices
The biological traits of some bird species render them particularly vulnerable to climate change
The impact of climate change on human communities significantly alters the vulnerability of IBAs
Native birds on Gough Island are being devastated by house mice
Human disturbance to seabirds at sea
Lowland forests will have been destroyed across large parts of Indonesia by 2010
Poorly planned responses to coastal flooding have negatively impacted waterbirds in the Netherlands
An unprecedented global epizootic of avian influenza is causing mass mortality of wild birds
Biofuel plantations on forested lands: double jeopardy for biodiversity and climate
Cost-benefit analysis demonstrates that mining of soda ash at Lake Natron is not economically viable
Threatened birds indicate the consequences of unchecked infrastructure development
Seabird tracking data reveal global hotspots of exposure to marine plastics
Persistent organic pollutants stay in the environment, affecting humans and wildlife
The illegal use of poisoned baits is a serious threat to birds
Uranium Mining and Important Bird Areas in Namibia: a need for strategic environmental assessment
Illegal trade in European songbirds for food
Lead poisoning is preventing the recovery of California Condor
Collision and electrocution of birds by powerlines is a conservation concern in Saudi Arabia
The illegal shooting of birds in the European Union
When planning for development does not integrate environmental issues, biodiversity suffers
Climate change is already affecting birds in diverse ways
The largest wind farm in the world impacts birds of prey in California, USA
A range of threats drives declines in bird populations
Soda extraction plant at Lake Natron, Tanzania, threatens East Africa's Lesser Flamingos
Loss of intertidal habitat through land-claim in Asia
In Hawaii, climate change will increase the impact of disease
Agriculture and forestry are key drivers of habitat destruction in African IBAs
Seabirds are key indicators of the impact of climate change on the world's oceans
The rapid loss of Paraguay's Atlantic Forest and the status of protected areas
Climate change modelling highlights the vulnerability of birds in the Albertine Rift Valley
Climate change may make habitats become unsuitable in large parts of the range of Worthen's Sparrow
Illegal hunting is causing the decline of belochel (Micronesian Imperial-pigeon) in Palau
In Indonesia, human-initiated fires are responsible for massive losses of rainforest
Climate change at breeding grounds and land cover change at non-breeding grounds affect long-term population trends of European migratory birds
Vultures are under threat from the veterinary drug diclofenac
In southern Africa, the range of Cape Longclaw is predicted to retreat to upland areas
In Australia, fires are linked to habitat changes and the decline of many bird species
Large dams threaten one of Africa's most important wetland ecosystems
Oil spills significantly reduce populations of seabirds and are costly to clean up
The number of montane endemic birds that go extinct in Australia depends on the degree of warming
Multiple threats are driving threatened birds towards extinction in Africa
Invasive alien species have been implicated in nearly half of recent bird extinctions
Overexploitation is a threat to many large and conspicuous bird species
The perverse economics of habitat conversion
The past 40 years have seen dramatic increases in global production of tropical export commodities
Unsustainable exploitation of birds is most prevalent in Asia
People and biodiversity are often concentrated in the same areas
Farming is destroying the Brazilian cerrado—one of the world's richest savannas
What can be done to improve the status of birds
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A landscape approach to conservation can help tackle climate change
'Nature-friendly' fish-farming techniques in Hungary reduce both costs and pollution
Improving management of protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services
Maintaining bird populations in Special Protection Areas in the European Union
Surveys suggest that Puerto Rican Nightjar is more widely distributed than previously thought
A 'Vulture Restaurant' in Armenia solves conservation and sanitation problems
Enhancing the resilience of Sahel habitats provides long-term benefits
BirdLife is working with Regional Fisheries Management Organisations to reduce albatross declines
Banning lead shot and captive breeding were crucial in saving Californian Condor from extinction
Restoration activities at Laguna Grande IBA in Argentina are helping to reduce the impact of tourism
Newly developed Grasslands Conservation Index (GCI) is helping cattle ranchers protect biodiversity
Conserving the jewels in the crown of the High Andes
In Nigeria, the BirdLife partner is assisting wetland restoration to safeguard ecosystem services
Raso Lark has been successfully re-introduced to the island of Santa Luzia
In Africa, recognition of the value of IBAs is resulting in the designation of new protected areas
BirdLife Partners are taking action for Spoon-billed Sandpiper along its entire migration route
BirdLife's Rwandan Partner (ACNR) is helping a community to manage wetland resources sustainably
Climate Resilient Altitudinal Gradients (CRAGs) provide a focus for action in East Africa
Species lists form a key part of several conventions and need to be reviewed and updated regularly
Captive breeding and release of Asian Crested Ibis: linking Japan and China
Restauración pasiva en el Sitio Ramsar Lagunas Altoandinas y Puneñas de Catamarca, Argentina
Wetland conservation and environmental education in the heart of Harare
'Colony Guardians' are working with local communities to protect Hooded Grebe nesting sites
In Kenya, IBA monitoring shows the value of formal protection for biodiversity conservation
The habitat of Araripe Manakin is being formally protected
In Central Asia a new generation of conservation professionals is emerging from student bird clubs
Burundi’s Serukubeze community are being empowered to take climate action
Many IBAs are recognised under global or regional conventions, but many remain neglected
Back from the brink: species can be saved from extinction
Working together for wetland conservation in Ecuador: A joint initiative with the Ramsar focal point
Measuring the environmental impact of farming in Uruguay
Citizen scientists help track invasive species in Belgium
Woodland bird populations in less-isolated patches are less sensitive to extreme winter weather
Aves Uruguay is working with local ranchers to establish good management practices for grasslands
The EU Birds and Habitats directives are ensuring protection of climatically suitable bird habitat
Scaling up wetland conservation in the East Asian Australasian Flyway by mainstreaming the flyway approach across regional and national agendas
Identification of Lo Go Xa Mat as an IBA in Vietnam resulted in its being declared a national park
A State Park of 10,000 hectares has been established to protect Restinga Antwren
Nature Uganda is empowering communities to manage natural resources and restore ecosystem services
Alliance for the conservation of the South American Pampas grassland
Finding ways to offset private sector impacts on biodiversity
Over ten years, action by BirdLife Partners and others prevented the extinction of 16 bird species
Participative methods for conservation planning at Lakes Poopó and UruUru on the Bolivian Altiplano
An ambitious eradication project is currently underway on the Antarctic island of South Georgia
Rat removal for the benefit of endangered island-dwelling birds
BirdLife has calculated the cost of saving globally threatened species and safeguarding IBAs
BirdLife Partners are safeguarding IBAs in order to mitigate climate change impacts on birds
BirdLife South Africa supported by a Species Champion is researching the threats to African Penguin
BirdLife Australia is bringing together residents and land managers to protect beach-nesting birds
Conserving key biodiversity sites in the Amazon rainforest
Security or sustainability first? The fate of Endemic Bird Areas depends on the choices we make
Species Guardians and Species Champions: taking and funding action for the most threatened species
Predator control is helping to secure the future of New Zealand's Kokako
EU policy helps co-ordinate invasive species action
Invasive eradication in the Marquesas Archipelago
Community management of forest on Mount Oku, Cameroon, has led to significant habitat regeneration
BirdLife is working with local communities to safeguard the Liben Plain for people and larks
Grassroots groups unite against unsustainable development in the Gulf of Thailand
Conserving marine biodiversity through a network of Marine Protected Areas
Birds are valuable indicators of global patterns in biodiversity
Collaboration between conservationists and local religious leaders can safeguard IBAs
Results of a Participatory Ecosystem Services Assessment in Llanganates National Park, Ecuador
Economic valuation of Jamaica’s mangroves
Prioritizing islands for feral cat population management
Working with local communities to improved mangrove conservation in Jaragua National Park IBA
Working together to conserve flamingos at a network of sites in the High Andes
The wintering grounds of Northern Bald Ibis in Syria have been discovered using satellite tracking
Habitats for Carnaby’s Black-cockatoo are being restored through work with private landowners
In Denmark, voluntary ‘Caretaker’ groups have been instrumental in the designation of SPAs
Creating Permanent Forest Estates for the benefit of Fiji’s people and biodiversity
In Europe, many essential nationally based actions have been undertaken but more must be addressed
Birds as a 'Quality of Life' indicator in the United Kingdom
A best practice guide for monitoring illegal killing and taking of birds
Campaign to save Mabira Forest in Uganda from sugarcane plantation for biofuels
Habitat restoration has led to the recovery of the Azores Bullfinch
Reducing the impacts of power lines on birds
Investigating the causes of Sociable Lapwing declines
Shutting down wind farms during periods of peak migration can help protect migrating birds of prey
Involving local communities in the management of Liwonde National Park in Malawi
Understanding local needs: the role of Important Bird Areas in peoples livelihoods
Local knowledge surveys can help track threatened species: the example of Horned Curassow
BirdLife’s Forests of Hope programme will protect five million hectares of tropical forest
Broad-scale conservation is needed alongside site-scale approaches to conserve threatened birds
Forest protection in Paraguay benefits climate and wildlife
Indigenous Peoples’ lands may contribute significantly to global biodiversity conservation
Nest protection and brood manipulation has helped the Mauritius Parakeet to recover
Local campaigners safeguard Swallow roost used by up to three million birds
Conservation and wise use of Lake Natron, Tanzania
The impact of Important Bird Area directories
Synthesising and sharing bird data can help assess the effectiveness of conservation interventions
BirdLife Partners use IBAs to inform an ecologically representative network of protected areas
Important Bird Areas are being used to integrate biodiversity and development planning in Mongolia
Restoring forests in the Philippines’ Sierra Madre provides benefits for people and nature
The Americas Flyways Initiative: an innovative approach to tackling the biodiversity and climate crises in the Western hemisphere
Bermuda Petrel is being conserved through translocation and provision of artificial nest-sites
Pronatura is supporting local communities in Mexico to establish sustainable forestry practices
Conserving traditional meadow landscapes in Slovakia
BirdLife's Partner in Lebanon (SPNL) uses a traditional Hima approach in IBA conservation
Membership of bird conservation organisations is growing world-wide
Protected areas contribute to conserving bird species of concern in tropical forest biodiversity hotspots
BirdLife Partners are supporting reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy
Protecting rainforest in Sierra Leone: How reducing emissions and benefiting park management
Bird Conservation Nepal is establishing safe ‘diclofenac free’ feeding sites for vultures
The design and siting of wind turbines can reduce the risk of collision to birds of prey
The traditional knowledge of Cree hunters is helping Nature Canada map changing migration patterns
Combining wetland conservation and environmental education in the Seychelles
Bird Conservation Nepal works with Community Forest Users Groups for sustainable forest management
Conservation actions have prevented up to 18 bird extinctions since 2010
Hunting ban reversed decline of White-headed Duck in Spain
Mangrove restoration in Mexico enhances carbon sequestration and benefits the community
Translocating Rimatara Lorikeets to Atiu, Cook Islands
Government and local community are working together to restore life to the mangroves of Puerto Rico
Saving the treasures of the Caribbean
Wildlife-friendly farming versus land sparing
BirdLife Partners are restoring forests that will help buffer communities against climate change
Developing sustainable livelihood options will help communities adapt to climate change
Stable isotope analysis reveals the wintering grounds of the Aquatic Warbler
Safer powerlines for Hungary's birds
Developing strategic partnerships with industry to reconcile business and biodiversity objectives
Traditional pastoralism is critical to the conservation of some of Asia's most threatened birds
New sites are being identified to increase the resilience of the IBA network to climate change
Eradicating introduced mammals from Clipperton Island led to dramatic recovery of seabirds
The sustainable use of wetland resources can benefit both wildlife and local communities
Serra do Urubu Pernambuco State, Brazil: long-term conservation of a threatened Atlantic Forest
Securing the future of Amboseli National Park by stimulating public debate
BirdLife Partners are working with local communities to protect and restore mangrove ecosystems
BirdLife Partners manage over 4 million ha of Protected Areas
Intensive habitat management has led to a spectacular increase in Kirtland's Warbler
Using IBAs in planning the protection of the oceans
Rewilding may offer a sustainable alternative to traditional management
Managing the hydrology of peatland sites could help Golden Plovers adapt to climate change
Raising public awareness to save the Yellow-eared Parrot
A 27,000km voyage of conservation has helped safeguard some of the world’s most imperiled seabirds
Conserving the rich forest ecosystem of Sierra de Bahoruco National Park in the Dominican Republic
Managed realignment for coastal wetlands in the UK is helping people and nature adapt
Turning invasive plants into biofuels and fertiliser benefits both biodiversity and local livelihood
IBAs form a coherent network of sites for conservation, even under climate change
Newly identified marine IBAs for penguins in Antarctica provide support to the proposed MPA network
Innovation in the protection of forests in Indonesia
Around the world volunteers underpin much of BirdLife's work
Managing the matrix of suitable habitat between key sites will aid movement of species
Simple changes to fishing methods can get seabirds off the hook
Using IBAs to guide Regional Conservation Strategies
BirdLife Partners are helping to restore island ecosystems by eradicating invasive alien species
Best practice guidelines help farmers protect biodiversity
Conservation and development in the Tana River Delta, Kenya
Safeguarding wetland ecosystems is vital for local communities
Involving local communities in the assessment and monitoring of biodiversity
Developing sustainable agricultural systems in the Southern Cone grasslands
Working together to tackle the crisis in East Asian coastal wetlands
IBA monitoring can identify deficiencies in national biodiversity policy
Building resilient montane landscapes in Uganda is helping people and birds adapt
BirdLife's Albatross Task Force is bridging the gap between conservationists and fishermen
The use of more efficient cooking stoves is helping bird conservation at Lake Junín IBA, Peru
Cuba’s rice paddies are an important supplementary habitat for waterbirds
Establishing the Kinangop Grasslands Nature Reserve in Central Kenya
Not known...
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The Gola National Park in Liberia: Realising the potential of a transboundary peace park
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