Family: Spheniscidae (Penguins)
Authority: Gray, 1844
Red List Category:
Criteria: A3c
here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria
Justification of Red List categoryThe Emperor Penguin is listed as Near Threatened as it is projected to undergo a moderately rapid population decrease as Antarctic sea ice begins to disappear within the next few decades owing to the effects of climate change. By the end of the 20th century, under current levels of CO
2 emission more than 80% of the population is projected to be lost, but major changes to sea-ice prevalence are not projected to begin until after 2050. As such, while declines over the next three generations are not expected to exceed thresholds for listing as threatened, future climate scenarios predict a rapid increase in the rate of population decline, such that without mitigation the species will begin to decline rapidly within one to two generations.
Population size:
Population trend:
Extent of occurrence (breeding/resident):
11,600,000 km
Country endemic:
Realm - Afrotropical
Realm - Neotropical
Realm - Oceanian
Realm - Antarctic
IUCN System - Marine