IBA Inventories

Regional Inventories


IBAs in the Americas


IBAs in Europe


IBAs in Africa and associated islands


IBAs in Asia

Middle East & Central Asia

IBAs in the Middle East
  • Evans, M. I. (ed) (1994) Important Bird Areas in the Middle East. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.
  • Evans, M. I. (ed) (2005) [Important Bird Areas of the Arab-speaking world]. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development. [In Arabic]

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National Inventories




  • Harris, C. M., Lorenz, K., Fishpool, L. D. C., Lascelles, B., Cooper, J., Coria, N. R., Croxall, J. P., Emmerson, L. M., Fijn, R. C., Fraser, W. L., Jouventin, P., LaRue, M. A., Le Maho, Y., Lynch, H. J., Naveen, R., Patterson-Fraser, D. L., Peter, H.-U., Poncet, S., Phillips, R. A., Southwell, C. J., van Franeker, J. A., Weimerskirch, H., Wienecke, B., and Woehler, E. J. (2015) Important Bird Areas in Antarctica 2015. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International and Environmental Research & Assessment Ltd.
  • Harris, C. M., Carr, R., Lorenz, K. and Jones, S. (2011) Important Bird Areas in Antarctica: Antarctic Peninsula, South Shetland Islands, South Orkney Islands – Final Report. Prepared for BirdLife International and the Polar Regions Unit of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Cambridge, UK: Environmental Research & Assessment Ltd.


  • IBA webpage of Aves Argentina (Partner)
  • Di Giacomo, A. S. (2005) Áreas importantes para la conservación de las aves en Argentina. Sitios prioritarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad [Important Bird Areas in Argentina. Priority sites for the conservation of biodiversity]. Temas de Naturaleza y Conservación 5. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Aves Argentinas and Associación Ornitológica del Plata.



  • Dvorak, M. and Berg, H. M. (2009) Die wichtigsten Gebiete für den Vogelschultz in Österreich [Important Bird Areas in Austria]. Vienna, Austria: Bundesministerium für Umwelt. [In German]
  • Dvorak, M. and Karner, E. (1995) Important Bird Areas in Österreich. Monographien Bund 71. Vienna, Austria: Bundesministerium für Umwelt. [In German]

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  • IBA webpage of BirdLife Belarus / APB (Partner)
  • Levy, S. V., ed. (2015) Тэрыторыі, важныя для птушак у Беларусі / пад агул. рэд. [Important Bird Areas in Belarus]. Minsk, Belarus: APB-BirdLife. 152 pp. [In Belarusian with English summaries]
  • Kozulin, A. V., Vergeichik, L., Nikiforov, M., Ivanovski, V., Birjucov, V., Dombrovski, V., Grichik, V., Maximencov, M., Byshniov, I., Sidorovich, V., Cherkas, N., Mongin, E., Pinchuk, P., Karlinova, N. and Zuyonov, S. (2008) Important Bird Areas of Belarus Minsk, Belarus: APB-BirdLife.
  • Kozulin, A. V., Dombrovski, A. Ch., Ivanovski, V. V., Maximenkov, M. V., Nikiforov, M. E., Skuratovich, A. N., Birjukov, V. P., Grichik, V. V., Dmitrerok, M. G., Byshirov, M. G., Sidorovich, V. E., Cherkas, N. D., Mongoin, E. A., Pinchuk, P. V., Zhuravliov, D. V. and Abramchuck, A. V. (2005) Скарбы Прыроды ы Беларусı [Treasures of Belarusian nature. Areas of international significance for the conservation of biological diversity]. Minsk, Belarus: Belarus Vydavectva. [In Belarusian and English]



  • IBA webpage of BirdLife Botswana (Partner)
  • Tyler, S. J. and Bishop, D. R. (1998) Important Bird Areas of Botswana. Pp. 333-354 in Barnes, K.N., ed. The important bird areas of Southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: BirdLife South Africa.


British Indian Ocean Territory


  • Kostadinova, I. and Gramatikov, M. (eds) (2007) Орнитологично Важни Места в Вългария и Натура 2000 [Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria and Natura 2000]. BSPB Conservation Series 11. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. [In Bulgarian and English]
  • Kostadinova, I. (1997) Орнитологично Важни Места в Вългария [Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria]. BSPB Conservation Series, Book 1. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. [In Bulgarian]


  • Hakizimana, D., Citegetse, G., Manirambana, A. and Bizimana, D. (2008) Zones Importantes de Conservation des Oiseaux au Burundi. Site prioritaires pour la conservation [Important Bird Areas in Burundi. Priority sites for conservation]. Bujumbura, Burundi: Association Burundaise pour la Protection des Oiseaux. [In French]

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  • Seng Kim Hout, Pech Bunnat, Poole, C.M., Tordoff, A.W., Davidson, P. and E. Delattre (2003) Directory of Important Bird Areas in Cambodia: key sites for conservation. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Department of Nature Conservation and Protection, BirdLife International in Indochina, and the Wildlife Conservation Society Cambodia Program.

Cayman Islands


Cook Islands



Czech Republic

  • IBA webpage of Czech Society for for Ornithology (Partner)
  • Málková, P. and Lacina, D. (eds) (2002) Významná ptačí území v Česté republia 2001 [Important Bird Areas in the Czech Republic 2001]. Prague, Czechia: Czech Society for for Ornithology. [In Czech]
  • Hora, J. and Kanuch, P. (1992) Významná ptačí území v Evrope [Important Bird Areas in Europe - Czechoslovakia]. Prague, Czechia: Czechoslovakia Section of the International Council for Bird Preservation. [In Czech and English versions]

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Dominican Republic

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  • Freile, J.F. and Santander, T. (eds) (2005) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en Ecuador [Important Bird Areas in Ecuador]. Quito, Ecuador: Aves y Conservación (Corporación Ornitiológica del Ecuador), BirdLife International, Conservación Internacional y Ministerio del Ambiente de Ecuador. [In Spanish]


  • Baha El Din, S. (1999) Directory of Important Bird Areas in Egypt. Cairo: BirdLife International.

El Salvador

  • Komar, O. and Ibarra-Portillo, R. (2009) Las IBAs de El Salvador: las Areas de Importancia para la Conservación de las Aves. San Salvador, El Salvador: SalvaNATURA.


  • IBA webpage of Estonian Ornithological Society (Partner)
  • Kuus, A. and Kalamees, A. (eds) (2003) Euroopa Liidu tähtsusega linnualad Eestis [Important bird areas of European Union importance in Estonia]. Tartu, Estonia: Eesti Ornitholoogiaühing. [In Estonian and English]
  • Kalamees, A. (2000) Tahsted linnualad Eestis [Important Bird Areas in Estonia]. Tartu, Estonia: Eesti Ornitholoogiaühing. [In Estonian and English]


  • Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (1996) Important Bird Areas of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society.

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Falkland Islands (Las Malvinas)


  • BirdLife International (2006) Important Bird Areas in Fiji: conserving Fiji’s natural heritage. Suva, Fiji: BirdLife International Pacific Partnerhsip Secretariat.


  • IBA webpage of BirdLife Suomi (Partner)
  • Leivo, M., Asanti, T., Koskimies, P., Lammi, E., Lampolahti, J., Mikkola-Roos, M. and Virolainen, E. (2002) Suomen tärkeät lintualueet FINIBA [Important Bird Areas in Finland]. BirdLife Suomen julkaisuja 4. Kuopio, Finland: Suomen Graafiset Palvelut. [In Finnish]


  • Rocamora, G.(1994) Les Zones Importantes pour la Conservation des Oiseaux en France [Important Bird Areas in France]. Angoulême, France: Ligue Pour La Protection des Oiseaux and Ministère de l’Environment. [In French]

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  • IBA webpage of Hellenic Ornithological Society (Partner)
  • Fric, J., Portolou, D., Manolopoulos, A. and Kastritis, T. (2012) Important Areas for Seabirds in Greece LIFE07 NAT/GR/000285. Athens, Greece: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece).
  • Portolou, D., Bourdakis, S., Vlachos, C., Kastritis, T. and T. Dimalexis (eds.) (2009) Important Bird Areas of Greece: Priority sites for conservation. Athens, Greece: Hellenic Ornithological Society.
  • Hellenic Ornithological Society (1994) Σημαντικες Περιοχες για τα Πουλια της Ελλαδας [Important Bird Areas in Greece]. Athens, Greece: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS / BirdLife Greece). [In Greek]
  • Grimmett, R. F. A. and Jones, T. A. (1988) Σημαντικες Περιοχες για τα Πουλια της Ελλαδας [Important bird areas in Greece]. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. [In Greek]


Guinea Bissau

  • Dodman, T., Barlow, C., Sá, J. and Robertson, P. (2004) Zonas Importantes para as Aves ne Guiné-Bissau [Important Bird Areas in Guinea-Bissau]. Dakar and Bissau: Wetlands International and Gabinete de Planificação Costeira / ODZH. [In Portuguese and English]

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  • ENVIS IBA webpage (coordinated by Bombay Natural History Society [Partner])
  • Rahmani, A. R. and Zafar-ul Islam, M. (eds) (2016) Important bird areas in India: priority sites for conservation. Mumbai, India: Indian Bird Conservation Network.
  • Rahmani, A. R., Islam, Z., Kasambe, R. and Wadatkar, J. (2013) Important Bird Areas of Maharashtra: priority sites for conservation. Mumbai, India: Oxford University Press, Indian Bird Conservation Network & Bombay Natural History Society.
  • Rahmani, A. R., Islam, Z., Ahmad, K., Suhail, I., Chandan, P. and Zarri, A. A. (2012) Important Bird Areas of Jammu & Kashmir. Mumbai, India: Oxford University Press, Indian Bird Conservation Network & Bombay Natural History Society.
  • Rahmani, A. R. and Zafar-ul Islam, M. (eds) (2004) Important bird areas in India: priority sites for conservation. Mumbai, India: Indian Bird Conservation Network.
  • Zafar-ul Islam, M. (2001) Important Bird Areas of the Western Ghats, Kerala. Bombay, India: Bombay Natural History Society.
  • Jhunjhunwala, S. (2001) Important Bird Areas in Maharashtra. Bombay, India: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Bombay Natural History Society and BirdLife International.


  • Rombang, W. M., Trainor. C. and Lesmana, D. (2002) Daerah Penting bagi Burung: Nusa Tenggara [Important Bird Areas of Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara]. Bogor, Indonesia: Direktorat Jenderal PHKA and BirdLife International.  [In Indonesian]
  • Holmes, D. and Rombang, W. M. (2001) Daerah Penting bagi Burung: Sumatera [Important Bird Areas of Indonesia: Sumatra]. Bogor, Indonesia: Direktorat Jenderal PHKA and BirdLife International Indonesia Programme. [In Indonesian]
  • Holmes, D., Rombang, W. M. and Octavani, D. (2001) Daerah Penting bagi Burung: di Kalimantan [Important Bird Areas of Indonesia: Kalimantan]. Bogor, Indonesia: Direktorat Jenderal PHKA and BirdLife International Indonesia Programme. [In Indonesian]
  • Rombang, W. M and Rudyanto (1999) Direktorat Jenderal PHKADaerah Penting bagi Burung di Jawa dan Bali [Important Bird Areas in Java]. Bogor, Indonesia: Direktorat Jenderal PHKA and BirdLife International Indonesia Programme. [In Indonesian]



  • Gancz, A. (ed) (1997) Important Bird Areas in Israel. The Torgos 27, Winter 97-98. Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. [In Hebrew with English summary]


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  • Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (2000) Important Bird Areas in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Amman, Jordan: BirdLife International and Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature.

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  • Sklyarenko, S. L., Welch, G. R. and Brombacher, M. (eds) (2008) Important Bird Areas in Kazakhstan - priority sites for conservation. Almaty, Kazakhstan: Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan.
  • Sklyarenko, S. L. (2005) Inventory of important bird areas in Kazakhstan: interim report. Almaty, Kazakhstan: Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan.


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  • Ounekham,K. and Inthapatha, S. (2003) Important Bird Areas in Lao P.D.R. Vientiane, Laos: Department of Forestry, BirdLife International and Wildlife Conservation Society Lao Program. [In Laotian and English]




  • Barnes, K. N. (1998) Important Bird Areas of Lesotho. Pp. 281-294 in Barnes, K.N. (ed.) The Important Bird Areas of southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: BirdLife South Africa.


  • Raudonikis. L. (2004) Europos sąjungos veikšmės Paukščiams Svarbios Teritorijos Lietuvoje [Important Bird Areas of European Union importance in Lithuania]. Kaunas, Lithuania: Lithuanian Ornithological Society and Institute of Ecology. [In Lithuanian and English]
  • Raudonikis. L. and Kurlavicius, P. (2000) Paukščiams svarbiosteritorijos Lietuvoje [Important Bird Areas in Lithuania]. Vilnius, Lithuania: Lithuanian Ornithological Society and Institute of Ecology. [In Lithuanian and English]

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  • Project ZICOMA (1999) Les Zones d’Importance pour la Conservation des Oiseaux à Madagascar [Areas of Importance for Bird Conservation in Madagascar]. Antananarivo, Madagascar: Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires Protégées, BirdLife International, Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts & Projet ZICOMA


  • Yeap, C. A., Sebastian, A. C. and Davison, G. W. H. (eds) (2007) Directory of Important Bird Areas in Malaysia: key sites for conservation. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Malaysian Nature Society (Conservation Publication 8).
  • Malaysian Nature Society (2005) A handbook of Important Bird Areas in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Malaysian Nature Society (Conservation Publication 4).


  • Borg, J. J. and Sultana, J. (2004) Important Bird Areas of EU importance in Malta. Ta’ Xbiex, Malta: BirdLife Malta.


  • IBA webpage of CONABIO
  • Del Coro Arizmendi, M. and Marquez Vadelamar, L. (eds) (2000) Áreas de Importancia para la Conservation de las Aves en México [Important Areas for Bird Conservation in Mexico]. Mexico City, Mexico: Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad.



  • Bores, J., Capellán, S., Zekovic, B. and Šoškić Popović, M. (2023) Strengthening the IBA network in Montenegro. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.
  • Savelijič. D. (ed) (2007) Prodručja od međunarodonog značaja za boravak ptica u Crnoj Gori [Important Bird Areas of Montenegro]. Monografija CZIP br. 1. Podgorica, Montenegro: Centar za zaštitu I proučavanje ptica Crne Gore. [In Montenegrin]


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  • Simmons, R. E., Boix-Hinzen, C., Barnes, K. N., Jarvis, A. M. and Robertson, A. (1998) Important Bird Areas of Namibia. Pp. 295-332 in Barnes, K. N. (ed.) The Important Bird Areas of southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: BirdLife South Africa.


  • Eggenhuizen, T. and van den Tempel, R. (1996) Belangrijke Vogelgebieden [Important Bird Areas]. Zeist, Netherlands: Vogelbescherming Nederland. [In Dutch]
  • van den Tempel, R. and Osieck, E. R. (1994) Areas important for birds in the Netherlands: wetlands and other areas of international or European importance for birds. Technical Report 13E. Zeist, Netherlands: Vogelbescherming Nederland.


  • Baral, H. S. and Inskipp, C. (2005) Important Bird Areas in Nepal: key sites for conservation. Kathmandu, Nepal: Bird Conservation Nepal.

New Caledonia

  • Spaggiari, J., Chartendrault, V. and Barré, N. (2007) Zones importantes pour la conservations des oiseaux de Nouvelle-Calédonie [Important Bird Areas of New Caledonia]. Nouméa, New Caledonia: Société Calédonienne d’Ornithologie and Birdlife International. [In French]

New Zealand


  • Ezealor, A. U. (ed) (2002) Critical sites for biodiversity conservation in Nigeria. Lagos, Nigeria: Nigerian Conservation Foundation.

North Macedonia


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  • Webpage of Panama Audubon Society (Partner)
  • Angehr, G. R. (2003) Directorio de áreas importantes para aves en Panamá [Directory of Important Bird Areas in Panama]. Panama: Panama Audubon Society, BirdLife International and Vogelbescherming Nederland. [In Spanish and English]


  • Guyra Paraguay (2008) Áreas de importancia para la Conservación de las Aves en Paraguay [Important Bird Areas in Paraguay]. Asunción, Paraguay: Guyra Paraguay/BirdLife International. [In Spanish]

Pitcairn Islands


  • Mallari, N. A. D., Tabaranza, B. R. Jnr and Crosby, M. J. (2001) Key conservation sites in the Philippines: a Haribon Foundations and BirdLife International directory of Important Bird Areas. Makati City, Philippines: Bookmark.


  • IBA webpage of OTOP (Partner)
  • Wilk, T., Jujka, M., Krogulec, J. and Chylarecki, P. (eds) (2010) Ostoje ptaków o znanczeniu mi?zynarodowym w Polsce [Important Bird Areas of International Importance in Poland]. Warsaw, Poland: Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków. [In Polish]
  • Gromadzki, M. and Sidlo, P. O. (2000) Ostoje ptaków na polskim wybrzezu Baltyku [Important Bird Areas on the Polish Baltic coast]. Gdansk, Poland: Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków. [In Polish]
  • Gromadzki, M., Dyrcz, A., Glowacinski, Z. and Wieloch, M. (1994) Ostoje ptaków w Polsce [Important Bird Areas in Poland]. Gdansk, Poland: Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków. [In Polish]


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  • Papp, T. and Fântânâ, C. (eds) (2008) Ariile de Importanţă Avifaunistică din România [Important Bird Areas in Romania]. Tîrgu-Mureş, Romania: Societatea Ornitologică Română, Bucureşti & Asociaţia pentru Protecţia Pǎsǎrilor şi a Naturii 'Grupul Milvus'.  [In Romanian with English summary]
  • Munteanu, D. (ed) (2004) Ariile de importanţă avifaunistică din România - documentaţii [Important Bird Areas in Romania - an Inventory]. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Societatea Ornitologică Română. [In Romanian]


  • Audubon Alaska / BirdLife Asia / Russian Bird Conservation Union (2004) Important Bird Areas of the Bering Sea ecoregion. Anchorage, USA: Audubon Alaska.
  • Bukreev, S. A, Dzhamirsoev G. S., Lyubimova K. A., Krasnova, E. D. and Sviridova, T. V. (eds) (2009) Ключевые орнитологические территории России. Том 3. Ключевые орнитологические территории международнго значения в Кавказской экорегионе [Important Bird Areas in Russia. Volume 3. Important Bird Areas in Caucaus ecoregion]. Moscow, Russia: Russian Bird Conservation Union. [In Russian]
  • Bukreev, S. A, Krasnova, E. D. and Sviridova, T. V. (eds) (2006) Ключевые орнитологические территории России. Том 2. Ключевые орнитологические территории международнго значения в Западной Сибири [Important Bird Areas in Russia. Volume 2. Important Bird Areas in West Siberia]. Moscow, Russia: Russian Bird Conservation Union. [In Russian]
  • Kondratyev, A. V. (2000) Ключевые орнитологические территории Балтийского региона России [Important Bird Areas of the Baltic region of Russia (Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions)]. Moscow, Russia: Russian Bird Conservation Union. [In Russian]
  • Sviridova, T. V. and Zubakin, V. A. (eds) (2000) Ключевые орнитологические территории России. Том 1. Ключевые орнитологические территории международното значения в Европейской России [Important Bird Areas of Russia. Volume 1. Important Bird Areas of European Russia]. Moscow, Russia: Russian Bird Conservation Union. [In Russian]

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  • Puzović, S., Sekulić, S., Stojnić, N., Grubač, B. & Tucakov, M. (2009) Značajna proručja za ptice u Srbiji [Important Bird Areas in Serbia]. Belgrade, Serbia: Ministarstvo ivotne sredine I prostornog planiranja, Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije, Pokrajinski sekretarijat za zaštitu ivotne sredine i odrivi razvoj. [In Serbian]
  • Simić, D. and Puzović, S. (2008) Ptice Srbije i područja od međunarodnog značaja [Important Bird Areas of Serbia]. Belgrade, Serbia: Liga za Ornitološku Akciju Srbije. [In Serbian]

Sierra Leone

  • Okoni-Williams, A., Thompson, H. S., Koroma, A. P. and Wood, P. (2005) Important Bird Areas in Sierra Leone: priorities for biodiversity conservation. Conservation Society of Sierra Leone and Forestry Division.


  • Rybanic, R., Sutiakova, T. and Benko, S. (eds) (2004) Významné vtáčie územia na Slovensku. Územia významné zpohl'adu Európskej únie [Important bird areas of European Union importance in Slovakia]. Bratislava, Slovakia: Society for the Protection of Birds in Slovakia. [In Slovakian with English summary]
  • Hora, J. and Kanuch, P. (1992) Významná ptačí území v Evrope [Important Bird Areas in Europe - Czechoslovakia]. Prague: Czechoslovakia Section of the International Council for Bird Preservation. [In Czech and English versions]


  • Bozic, L. (2003) Mednarodno Pomembna Območja za Ptice v Sloveniji 2. Predlogi Posebnih zaščitenih obno čij (SPA) Sloveniji [Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Slovenia 2: proposed Special Protection Areas (SPA) in Slovenia]. Ljubljana, Slovenia: DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia. [In Slovenian]
  • Polak, S. (2000) Mednarodno Pomembna Območja za Ptice v Sloveniji [Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Slovenia]. Ljubljana, Slovenia: DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia. [In Slovenian]

South Africa

  • IBA webpage of BirdLife South Africa (Partner)
  • Barnes, K. N., ed. (1998) Important Bird Areas of South Africa. Pp. 25-280 in Barnes, K. N. (ed.) The Important Bird Areas of southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: BirdLife South Africa.

South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands


  • IBA webpage of SEO/BirdLife (Partner)
  • Infante, O., Fuente, U. and Atienza, J. C. (2011) Las Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves en España [Important Bird Areas in Spain]. Madrid, Spain: Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife).
  • Arcos, J. M., J. Bécares, B. Rodríguez y A. Ruiz. (2009) Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves marinas en España [Important Areas for the Conservation of Seabirds in Spain]. LIFE04NAT/ES/000049. Madrid, Spain: Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife).
  • Viada, C. (1998) Áreas Importantes para las Aves en España [Important Bird Areas in Spain]. Monografía 5. Madrid, Spain: Sociedad Española de Ornitología
  • de Juana, E. (ed) (1992) Áreas Importantes para las Aves en España [Important Bird Areas in Spain]. Monografía 3. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Ornitología.
  • Grimmett, R. (1986) Important bird areas in Portugal and the Atlantic islands of Spain. A preliminary list of sites. Cambridge, UK: International Council for Bird Preservation.

St Helena


  • Barnes, K. N. (1998) Important Bird Areas of Swaziland. Pp. 273-280 in Barnes, K.N. (ed.) The Important Bird Areas of southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: BirdLife South Africa.


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Taiwan, China

  • Allen Lyu, Kuan-Chieh Hung, Po-Ying Chiu, Wayne W. Hsu (2015) Important Bird Areas in Taiwan. Second Edition. Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Wild Bird Federation.
  • Huang, M., Hsieh, J. and Lai, P. H. (2001) Important Bird Areas in Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan: Wild Bird Federation Taiwan.


  • Baker, N. & Baker, E. (2002) Important bird areas in Tanzania: a first inventory. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania. 302 pp.


  • Webpage of Bird Conservation Society of Thailand (Partner)
  • Pimathi, R., Jukmongkol, R., Round, P. D. and Tordoff, A. W. (eds) (2004) Directory of Important Bird Areas in the Kingdom of Thailand: key sites for conservation. Bangkok, Thailand: Bird Conservation Society of Thailand and BirdLife International.

Timor Leste


  • Kilkic, D. T. and Eken, G. Türkiye’nin Önemli Kuş Alanlari - 2004 Güncellemesi [Important Bird Areas in Turkey - 2004 update]. Ankara, Turkey: Doğa Derneği. [In Turkish]
  • Magnin, G. and Yarar, M. (1997) Important Bird Areas in Turkey. Istanbul, Turkey: Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği.
  • Ertan, A., Kiliç A. and Kasparek, M. (1989) Türkiye’nin Önemli Kuş Alanlari [Important Bird Areas in Turkey]. Istanbul, Turkey: Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği. [In Turkish]

Turks and Caicos Islands

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  • Byaruhanga, A., Kasoma, P. and Pomeroy, D. (2001) Important Bird Areas in Uganda. Kampala, Uganda: Nature Uganda and The East African Natural History Society.


  • IBA webpage of Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds (Partner)
  • Dudkin, O. (2000-03) IBA Території України [Important Bird Areas of the Ukraine - national report updates]. Kiev, Ukraine: Ukrainian Union for Bird Conservation. [In Ukranian]
  • Mkityuk, A. (1999) IBA Території України [Important Bird Areas of the Ukraine]. Kiev, Ukraine: Ukrainian Union for Bird Conservation. [In Ukranian]

United Kingdom

United States of America

  • IBA Hub of Audubon (Partner)
  • IBA webpage of Audubon (Partner)
  • Frank, C. A. (2010) Important Bird Areas of New Jersey. Bernardsville, USA: New Jersey Audubon.
  • Evans, K. and Martinson, W. (2008) Utah’s featured birds and viewing sites: a conservation platform for IBAs and BHCAs. Utah, USA: Utah DNR.
  • Steele, Y. (ed) (2007) Important Bird Areas of Wisconsin: critical sites for the conservation and management of Wisconsin’s birds. Wisconsin, USA: Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources.
  • Burger, M. F. and Liner, J. M. (2005) Important Bird Areas of New York. Second edition. New York, USA: Audubon New York.
  • McIvor, D. E. (2005) Important Bird Areas of Nevada. Reno, USA: Lahontan Audubon Society.
  • Audubon Alaska / BirdLife Asia / Russian Bird Conservation Union (2004) Important Bird Areas of the Bering Sea ecoregion. Anchorage, USA: Audubon Alaska.
  • Cooper, D. S. (2004) Important bird areas of California. Pasadena, USA: Audubon California.
  • Chipley, R. M., Fenwick, G. H., Parr, M. J. and Pashley, D. N. (2003) The American bird conservancy guide to the 500 most important bird areas in the United States: key sites for birds and birding in all 50 states. New York, USA: Random House Trade.
  • Lyon, A. (2002) Important bird areas of Wyoming. Casper, USA: Audubon Wyoming.
  • Cullinan, T. (2001) Important Bird Areas of Washington. Olympia, USA: Audubon Washington.
  • Crossley, G. J. (1999) Important bird areas in Pennsylvania: a guide to identifying and conserving critical bird habitat. Camp Hill, USA: Pennsylvania Audubon Society.
  • Wells, J. V. (1998) Important Bird Areas in New York State. Albany, USA: National Audubon Society.


  • Kashkarov, R. D., Welch, G. R. and Brombacher, M. (eds) (2008) Important Bird Areas in Uzbekistan - priority sites of conservation. Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds.

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  • Tordoff, A.W. (ed) (2002) Directory of Important Bird Areas in Vietnam: key sites for conservation. Hanoi, Vietnam: BirdLife International in Indochina and Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources.

Virgin Islands (UK)

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  • Childes, S. L. and Mundy, P. J. (1998) Important Bird Areas of Zimbabwe. Pp. 355-384 in Barnes, K. N. (ed.) The Important Bird Areas of southern Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: BirdLife South Africa.

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