Scopoli's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea


Anselme, L. and Durand J.P. 2012. The Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea diomedea, Updated state of knowledge and conservation of the nesting populations of the small Mediterranean islands. Initiative PIM.

Báez, J.C, García-Barcelona, S., Mendoza, M., Ortiz de Urbina, J.M., Real, R. and Macías, D. 2014. Cory’s shearwater by-catch in the Mediterranean Spanish commercial longline fishery: implications for management. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 661-681.

Belda, E. J.; Sanchez, A. 2001. Seabird mortality on longline fisheries in the western mediterranean: factors affecting bycatch and proposed mitigating measures. Biological Conservation 98: 357-363.

BirdLife International. 2015. European Red List of Birds. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

Carboneras, C., Jutglar, F. and Kirwan, G.M. 2014. Scopoli's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. and de Juana, E. (eds), Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive, Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.

Carboneras, C.; Derhé, M.; Ramirez, I. 2013. Update on the population status and distribution of Mediterranean shearwaters. Report to Seventh Meeting of the ACAP Advisory Committee, La Rochelle, France, 6-10 May 2013.

Cortés, V.; González-Solís, J. 2018. Seabird bycatch mitigation trials in artisanal demersal longliners of the Western Mediterranean. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196731.

Defos du Rau, P.; Bourgeois, K.; Ruffino, L.; Dromzée, S.; Ouni, R.; Abiadh, A.; Estève, R.; Durand, J-P.; Anselme, L.; Faggio, G.; Yahya, J.M.; Peters, P.; Rguibi, H.; Renda, M.; Miladi, B.; Hamrouni, H.; Alilech, S.; Ben Dhafer, A.; Nefla, A.; Jaouadi, W.; Agrebi, S.; Renou, S. 2012. New assessment of the world largest colony of Scopoli’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea. In: Yésou, P.; Baccetti, N.; Sultana, J. (ed.), Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species under the Barcelona Convention – Proceedings of the 13th Medmaravis Pan-Mediterranean Symposium. Alghero (Sardinia) 14-17 Oct. 2011, pp. 26–28. Medmaravis, Alghero.

del Hoyo, J.; Elliot, A.; Sargatal, J. 1992. Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 1: Ostrich to Ducks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain.

Derhé, M. 2012. Developing a Population Assessment for Scopoli’s and Cory’s Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea/Calonectris borealis. In: Yésou, P.; Baccetti, N.; Sultana, J. (ed.), Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species under the Barcelona Convention – Proceedings of the 13th Medmaravis Pan- Mediterranean Symposium. Alghero (Sardinia) 14-17 Oct. 2011, pp. 29–38. Medmaravis, Alghero.

García-Barcelona, S.; Ortiz de Urbina, J. M.; de la Serna, J. M.; Alot, E.; Macias, D. 2010. Seabird bycatch in Spanish Mediterranean large pelagic longline fisheries, 2000-2008. Aquatic Living Resources 23: 363–371.

Gonzalez-Solis, J., Felicisimo, A., Fox, J.W., Afanasyev, V., Kolbeinsson, Y. and Munoz, J. 2009. Influence of sea surface winds on shearwater migration detours. Marine Ecology Progress Series 391: 221-230.

Granadeiro, J. P.; Dias, M. P.; Rebelo, R.; Santos, C.D.; Catry, P. 2006. Numbers and population trends of Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea at Selvagem Grande, Northeast Atlantic. Waterbirds 29: 56-60.

Igual, J. M., Tavecchia, G., Jenouvrier, S., Forero, M.G. and Oro, D. 2009. Buying years to extinction: is compensatory mitigation for marine bycatch a sufficient conservation measure for long-lived seabirds? PLoS One 4(3): e4826.

Laneri, K.; Louzao, M.; Martínez-Abraín, A.; Arcos, J.M.; Belda, E.J.; Guallart, J.; Sánchez, A.; Giménez, M.; Maestre, R.; Oro, D. 2010. Trawling regime influences longline seabird bycatch in the Mediterranean: new insights from a small-scale fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series 420: 241–252.

Pascal, M.; Lorvelec, O.; Bretagnolle, V.; Culioli, J. M. 2008. Improving the breeding success of a colonial seabird: a cost-benefit comparison of the eradication and control of its rat predator. Endangered Species Research 4: 267­–276.

Péron, C.; Grémillet, D.; Culioli, J.-M.; Faggio, G.; Gillet, P.; Mante, A.; Vidal, P. 2012. Exploring marine habitats of two shearwater species breeding on French Mediterranean islands. In: Yésou, P.; Baccetti, N.; Sultana, J. (ed.), Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species under the Barcelona Convention – Proceedings of the 13th Medmaravis Pan-Mediterranean Symposium. Alghero (Sardinia) 14-17 Oct. 2011, pp. 19–25. Medmaravis, Alghero.

Rodríguez, A., García, D., Rodríguez, B., Cardona, E., Parpal, L. and Pons, P. 2015. Artificial lights and seabirds: is light pollution a threat for the threatened Balearic petrels? Journal of Ornithology DOI: 10.1007/s10336-015-1232-3.

Valeiras, J.; Caminas, J. A. 2003. The incidental capture of seabirds by Spanish drifting longline fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina 67: 65–68.

Further resources

Detailed species account from European Red List of Birds (BirdLife International 2015)

Search for photos and videos, and hear sounds of this species from the Macaulay Library

Recommended citation
BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: Scopoli's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea. Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.
Recommended citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2024) IUCN Red List for birds. Downloaded from on 23/11/2024.